Monthly Archives: May 2020

S2. Ep. 3: Selecting Parasite Prevention Protocols

There are many choices available for parasite prevention. Dr. Claire Walther talks about how to provide pet owners with customized care for parasite protection.

S2. Ep. 2: Simparica Trio Tips and Ticks

Dr. Chris Adolph talks about ticks and the use of Simparica Trio. Dr. Adolph reviews the changes in ticks’ geographies, transmission of tick diseases and how Simparica Trio can help prevent tick-borne diseases.

S2. Ep. 1: What is New with Heartworm Disease?

Listen to Zoetis parasitologist, Dr. Jessica Rodriguez, discuss what is new with heartworm disease. In this episode, we will discuss heartworm compliance, resistance and treatment. This is a good place to start to make sure you are the most up-to-date with heartworm disease knowledge.